
OLMEDA D; MONTES A; FLORES JM; PORTILLO F AND CANO A: Snai1 and Snai2 collaborate on tumour growth and distant metastasis induction. Oncogene. 7; 27 (34):4690-4701 (2008).

MUÑOZ P.; BLANCO R.; DE CARCER G.; SCHOEFTNER S.; BENETTI R.; FLORES JM.; MALUMBRES M. AND BLASCO M.A.: TRF1 controls telomere length and mitotic fidelity in epithelial homeostasis. Mol. Cell Biol.29 (6): 1608-1625 (2009).

MARTÍNEZ P, THANASOULA M, MUÑOZ P, LIAO C, TEJERA A, MCNEES C, FLORES JM, FERNÁNDEZ-CAPETILLO O, TARSOUNAS M, and BLASCO MA.: Increased telomere fragility and fusions resulting from TRF1 deficiency lead to degenerative pathologies and increased cancer in mice. Genes Dev. 2009 Sep 1; 23 (17):2060-75 (2009).

SCHOEFTNER S; BLANCO R; LOPEZ DE SILANES I; MUÑOZ P; GÓMEZ-LOPEZ G; FLORES JM AND BLASCO MA: Telomere shortening relaxes X chromosome inactivation and forces global transcriptome alterations. PNAS 106 (46): 19393-19398 (2009).

FERNANDEZ-MARCOS PJ, PANTOJA C, GONZALEZ-RODRIGUEZ A, MARTIN N, FLORES JM, VALVERDE AM, HARA E, SERRANO M: Normal proliferation and tumorigenesis but impaired pancreatic function in mice lacking the cell cycle regulator sei1. PLoS One. 2010 Jan 18; 5 (1):e8744.

GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA A, SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ J, FLORES JM, CARRERA AC. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase gamma inhibition ameliorates inflammation and tumor growth in a model of colitis-associated cancer. Gastroenterology. 138 (4):1374-83 (2010).

NICOLÁS L, MARTÍNEZ C, BARÓ C, RODRÍGUEZ M, BAROJA-MAZO A, SOLE F, FLORES JM, AMPURDANÉS C, DANTZER F, MARTIN-CABALLERO J, APARICIO P, YELAMOS J. :Loss of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 leads to rapid development of spontaneous T-cell lymphomas in p53-deficient mice. Oncogene. 29 (19):2877-83 (2010).

TEJERA A; STAGNO M; THANASOULA M; MARION RM; MARTINEZ P; LIAO C, FLORES JM, TARSOUNAS M, and BLASCO MA.: TPP1 is required for TERT recruitment telomere elongation during nuclear reprogramming and normal skin development in mice. Development cell 18: 775-789 (2010).

CAFFAREL MM, ANDRADAS C, MIRA E, PÉREZ-GÓMEZ E, CERUTTI C, MORENO-BUENO G, FLORES JM, GARCÍA-REAL I, PALACIOS J, MAÑES S, GUZMÁN M, SÁNCHEZ C: Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition. Mol Cancer. Jul 22; 9:196. (2010).

GARCÍA-FERNANDEZ RA, GARCIA-PALENCIA P, SANCHEZ MA, GIL-GOMEZ G, SANCHEZ B, ROLLAN E, MARTÍN-CABALLERO J AND FLORES JM:. Combined loss of p21waf1/cip1 and p27kip1 enhances tumorigenesis in mice. 2011. Laboratory Investigation. 91 (11): 1634-1642. (2011).

LLORENTE IZQUIERDO C, MAYORAL R, FLORES JM, GARCÍA-PALENCIA P, CUCARELLA C, BOSCÁ L, CASADO M, MARTÍN-SANZ: Transgenic mice expressing cyclooxygenase-2 in hepatocytes reveal a minor contribution of this enzyme to chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. Am J Pathol. 178 (3):1361-73 (2011).

YELAMOS J, FARRES J, LLACUNA L, AMPURDANES C, MARTIN-CABALLERO J.: PARP-1 and PARP-2: New players in tumour development. Am J Cancer Res.; 1 (3):328-346. (2011).

RODRÍGUEZ P, HIGUERAS MA, GONZÁLEZ-RAJAL A, ALFRANCA A, FIERRO-FERNÁNDEZ M, GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ RA, RUIZ-HIDALGO MJ, MONSALVE M, RODRÍGUEZ-PASCUAL F, REDONDO JM, DE LA POMPA JL, LABORDA J, LAMAS S The non-canonical NOTCH ligand DLK1 exhibits a novel vascular role as a strong inhibitor of angiogenesis. Cardiovascular Research, 1;93(2):232-41 (2012).

MARTÍNEZ P, FLORES JM, BLASCO MA: 53BP1 deficiency combined with telomere dysfunction activates ATR-dependent DNA damage response. J Cell Biol.,197 (2):283-300. (2012).

E. PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, C. ANDRADAS, J.M. FLORES, M. QUINTANILLA, J.M. PARAMIO, M. GUZMÁN & C. SÁNCHEZ. The orphan receptor GPR55 drives skin carcinogenesis and is upregulated in human squamous cell carcinomas. Oncogene, en prensa (2012). Jul 2. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.278. Epub ahead of print.